Dora The Pig


Learn to make Dora the Pig. Dora lives a quiet life on the outskirts of Briar Farm; Freddie has been her best friend ever since she was a piglet – oh, the mucky business they used to get into! Now she is grown, Dora still has no qualms about getting dirt beneath her fingertips. If she isn’t busy on the farm, she can be found tending to her prize-winning hollyhocks.

Buy a Make Me Kit if you need all the ingredients, pattern and instructions.
Buy a Remake Kit if you already have the pattern and instructions but need the ingredients.
Buy the Pattern if you only need the pattern and instructions and you are sewing from your own stash. Choose between a PDF download of the pattern or posted paper one.

 Each kit is hand-assembled on the edge of the English Lake District.

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Our Make Me kits include easy-to-read instructions with beautiful photography and clear diagrams to demonstrate the sewing steps. We are sure that if you read the instructions carefully, you will be successful in your sewing, but if you have any questions (or just want to show off your work), join Luna Lapin’s Little World. our helpful Facebook community. 

Dora is designed to be hand-sewn, though there are parts you might find easier with a machine it is not essential, She is suitable for a intermediate stitcher, we recommend you are at least 13/14 years old. Though all of our Luna sized outfits are interchangeable, we love to see her in the Apple Picker. 

Instructions, Paper Pattern, 23cm (9in) x 92cm (36in) Blush felt, 15cm (6in) x 20cm (8in) Liberty lawn fabric, 2x 9mm safety eyes, 2x 15mm (5/8in) arm buttons, tonal thread, 120gm stuffing, sewing needle, doll needle, pins.

You will also need a sewing machine (optional), iron, scissors, water-soluble marking pen, and a pencil/knitting needle/chopstick for turning through/stuffing Dora. You could use a soft crayon or powder eyeshadow and a brush to darken the nostrils.

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