Austen Bonnet Original Material


A clever PU basket weave perfect for making the Austen Bonnet from our 2023 Luna X Austen project.
As it is the most expensive fabric we have ever bought, we only sell it in cut pieces, just enough of the base fabric to make a pretty Poke Bonnet (A poke bonnet is a women’s bonnet featuring a small crown and wide and rounded front brim). You should be able to use the scraps to fashion yourself a picnic basket.




A clever PU basket weave perfect for making the Austen Bonnet from our 2023 Luna X Austen project.
As it is the most expensive fabric we have ever bought, we only sell it in cut pieces, just enough of the base fabric to make a pretty Poke Bonnet (A poke bonnet is a women’s bonnet featuring a small crown and wide and rounded front brim). You should be able to use the scraps to fashion yourself a picnic basket.


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Alice Blue, Blossom Pink, Cherry Pie Red, Lime

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