Trilogy Pattern Book
Thistle – No Change
Laburnum – No Change
Peony – In “Making Up“, the bottom line of the page currently reads 11 st from stitch holder, 5 sts back neck (56 sts), and it should read 11 st from stitch holder, 7 sts back neck (56 sts)
Audrey Jumper
Work straight in rev st st for another 4 rows, ending with a WS row and measured from the cast on edge should read Work straight in rev st st until the sleeve measures 8cm from the cast on edge
How do I get the pattern for the mini Luna and clothes fo Luna(girl) do I reduce the regular patterns?
I have ordered the yellow coat (out of red) so does that mean the dress will be toned in and NOT red gingham?
I would love the small rabbit to take away on an r tended trip do a quick response and I will send off more funds!Regards